The active volcano Gorely is the ridged massif that rises from the bottom of the pillow-like caldera
Kamchatka Krai

Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018 Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018 Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018 Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018
Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018 Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018 Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018 Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018
Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018 Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018 Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018 Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018
Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018 Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018 Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018 Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018
Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018 Gorely Volcano, 14/09/2018 Gorely Volcano, 15/09/2018 Gorely Volcano, 15/09/2018

  Vachkazhets Kamchatka Mutnosky Volcano